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Knit and Crochet this year

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I just realized that other than showing off my yarn organization (which doesn’t count), I have not posted about knitting and crocheting at all this year! Since I post about it on Ravelry, I forget to blog about it. Bad me!

Here are all my finished objects for this year:

Valentines Nyan Cat scarf, which is for sale in my Etsy shop

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Knitted “Vlad,” a vampire that turns into a bat, which was a test knit

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That test knit sweater for Yuji. The belt took forever >.<

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A baby hat for a swap that ended up not wanting it (long story I’m not going to get into), leaving me unsure what I am going to do with it…


And finally, avert your eyes if you’re in the Reddit Gifts Adventure Time Swap and don’t want potential spoilers.


Among other things, they are also getting a hand-drawn postcard.


Currently in progress:
– A pokemon for a swap, which just needs to be stuffed and sewn together.
– That mystery KAL sweater, which I am way behind on.
– 3 Afghans for the 6-afghans-in-2013-along… they have been very neglected.
– Socks for Chance. He keeps asking me for some, because he hates store bought socks. I have only swatched.
– A commission scarf which I am painfully behind on
– A Jake to go with the Finn.

I was planning on working on the Jake today, but the power went out. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned on here that I got a Kindle Fire, but I did, and I’ve just been looking at the pattern for the Finn & Jake online using that, rather than downloading or printing out the pattern. When the power went out, that meant I had no internet, which meant I couldn’t work on it.

It also meant I couldn’t make coffee nor have my morning smoothie (as I often have for breakfast). Fortunately I had soy Frappuccino, but as that is more soymilk than coffee, it was not a pleasant morning. But I did play around with Mod Podge for the first time, and made an ant charm…


Looking at all my finished knit & crochet objects, I really feel like I have been slacking off! But I have to remember that I have started/re-started several other crafts this year, and so have been learning and practicing those. Now if I would just blog more about them…

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