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Ramencon 2015

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I had an amazing time at Ramencon!!

The Artist Alley was in a room this year, with opening/closing times and all that. I was really worried that less people would come buy, compared to last year (when it was in a hallway and people HAD to walk through to get to other things). But my worries were totally unfounded, and they did everything right – when the AA was open, there were multiple doors open wide and everyone walking down the hallway saw inside anyway.

And I was right across from one of those doors, leading to me having the ability to draw people in! And come in they did. I went to Ramencon with 6 boxes full of stuff, I was making stuff the whole time I was in the AA, and I left with ONE box. So, I sold very, very well. And this being a local con (~20 minutes away from me) meant that most of it was profit as I didn’t need a hotel room and only a little was spent on gas!

Closing times also had a benefit for me; all the panels I wanted to go to happened to be after the AA closed, so I didn’t have to worry about getting someone to cover the table while I went. And then I had a great time at the panels! So Ramencon was an all-around great convention.


Next up… if I even get in, is the Portage Christmas Craft Show in 9 weeks. I lollygagged on registering for it this year, and went back and forwards in my head deciding if I would or not… with how many online orders I’ve been getting this year, did I want to do it? I eventually decided that I need to do it to try to move some of the things I won’t advertise online, but that aren’t a good fit for Ramencon. So, I guess I’ll know soon if there’s even any spots left and if I’m in that or not.

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